Daryna Baikadamova wrote:
Thanks!  However I am new to lilypond, could you please point me to an
example illustrating how global block is used in this way.  I guess this
situation should be common in orchestral scores, although many projects in
mutopia (including the the I received) don't do these kind of things
properly   :(


I didn't find a clear example in the docs so I threw this together. I hope this clarifies things:

%%%%% BEGIN LILYPOND %%%%%

\version "2.11.56"

global = {
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4 = 120
        s1 % skip value of a whole note (invisible rest)
        \time 3/4
        \bar "||"
        s2. % skip value dotted half

one = \relative c' {
        c4 d e f
        g a b

two = \relative c' {
        c4 b a g
        f e d

\score {
        \context StaffGroup <<
        \context Staff <<
        \new Staff <<

\score {
        \context Staff <<
\score {
        \context Staff <<

%%%%% END LILYPOND %%%%%

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 8:12 PM, David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Daryna Baikadamova wrote:

Now I have another problem.  Suppose I want to insert tempo to the
conductors score at specific places (not only at the beginning of the
score), and I want these tempo marks (e.g. Allegretto crotchet = 76)
only *once* on top of the system on the conductor's score, but these tempo
marks must be reproduced in each parts score.  How can this be done?

If I enter the tempo marks in each part, then they will also be printed on
top of each part in the conductor's score, which is undesirable.  However
I only enter the tempo marks on the top instrument (flute, which is what
have been done in the project I received), then all the other parts will
have no tempo indications!

What should I do?

What I do for this sort of thing is to make a separate block for global
things.  In the global block I put rehearsal marks, time signatures,
repeats, special barlines...and tempo markings.

When I create the full score I put the global block with the top staff in
the score.  For each part I simply include the global block.  This should do
exactly what you're after.



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