If you have trouble doing this with macports please report the issues
here, I would be glad to try to help. Macports can be fussy and there
are way to make it behave if you have had to spend some time with it
like I have. The dependencies were a mystery to me for a long time and
since I really wanted lilypond I forced myself to research the topic
and understand what was going on. It has even helped with other
macports because I'm no longer intimidated when an install fails due
to dependency issues.

Lilypond is also making me learn Scheme so the project is actually
benefitting me more than just in music.


On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 2:40 AM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, installing without macports is doable. The first time is a pain, but
> it has the advantage of not being dependent on macports.
> Am 27.08.2008 um 05:17 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:
>> Found it.  Thanks.  I'm going to try to follow these instructions
>> tomorrow.  I've had trouble getting all the dependencies installed via
>> MacPorts but maybe following his instructions will help.  In the end it
>> doesn't matter so much b/c I'm not running Leopard anyway.  I just want to
>> try to build it on the Mac for the sake of nerdiness :)  I have no problem
>> building on Linux and it irritates me that I can't make it work on the Mac.
>>  Best,
>> Jon
>> Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>>> Scroll down the page about 1/3.  Or search for Git on that page.
>>> Carl
>>> On 8/26/08 6:08 PM, "Jonathan Kulp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I couldn't find the instructions there.  Nicolas, did you remove them or
>>>> am I just missing them?  I was very impressed with the opera projects,
>>>> though.  Wow! :)
>>>> Jonathan
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