
We hope to include Lilypond in our debian based Puredyne distribution
but at the moment we have found that lilypond pulls texlive as a dependency, which is way too big for the CD ISO so when we release a live dvd version lilypond will be present for sure.

I use lilypond alot in my work so I will be chasing this one up.

Is there any way to run lilypond without texlive? or in a way that will make it less bloated for a live cd?



Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Valentin,
many thanks for Your tips!
You are right, nimblex looks great,it would be a good thing, if there could be included Lilypond!

2008/8/22 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

    2008/8/22 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    > I'm searching for a live Cd with lilypond. I know, there is
    Musix, but it
    > has a very old version. And UBUNTU Studio, as far as I know, is
    not a live
    > CD, or is it?

    I'm afraid the best way is to build it yourself...

    I built a Lilypond live-CD in June for my pupils (it took me a
    whole night :-)
    After having tried with Mandriva and Fedora, I discovered that Ubuntu
    was probably the easiest to tweak. There's a nice, bery user-friendly
    tool called http://uck.sourceforge.net/

    There are also http://larch.berlios.de/ (a bit more geeky), and
    http://custom.nimblex.net/ which is incredibly cool but does not
    include LilyPond :-(

    (hey we should ask them if they could! I'll send them a mail...)

    Good luck anyway!



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