
knowing that it has been discussed before, I want nevertheless express my
interest in another exchange format than midi: ly to musicxml

I have been working more than 6 years with Finale and switched to Lilypond
several months ago. (See my contributions to Mutopia). There is really one
thing I miss: A decend midi interpretation of the music with control not
only over the melody but also the articulations and expressions. In the
moment my main tool is Finale with *Robert* PiƩchauds Human Playback  and
GPO (Garritans Personal Orchestra), JABB and the Gofriller.

So what I do:

1. Write the LilyPond code
2. Produce a PDF-File
3. Use PDFtoMusic from Myriad to produce a Harmony Assistant file
4. With Harmony Assistant a produce a music-xml file
5. I load this file into Finale to produce a midifile where most of the
musical expressions are interpreted
6. When I am in the mood I use a DAW to tune things up
7. Last but not least I can hear the music

But you can imagine what gets lost and added to the original .ly file during
theses transformations. Sometimes it is not useable and I have no desire to
rewrite the score in Finale.

Of course Lilyponds target is to produce highly readable musical notation.
And it does this job perfectly wonderful. But it would be really a pitty if
this would be the end of the road. We have all the tools to use the score to
make real audible music. So some kind of help to make this process easier
would be helpfull.

... indessen wandelt harmlos droben das Gestirn
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