On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:03 AM, Valentin Villenave
> 2008/8/12 Martin Klejch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> %% the "Lyrics independent of notes" example (chapter of the manual)
>> %% gives errors: warning: Lyric syllable does not have note. Use \lyricsto
>> %% or associatedVoice ...
> I'm not sure this is a bug. Can anyone who has already used such
> structures confirm?
> http://kainhofer.com/~lilypond/Documentation/user/lilypond/Lyrics-independent-of-notes.html
> (if anyone has ever used it, that is :-)
> Cheers,
> Valentin
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I tried to get that same feature to work on a piece I was
re-engraving, but I got the same error message and a bunch of
improperly aligned lyrics. I tried the attached snippet and got these
complains from LilyPond:

GNU LilyPond 2.11.49
Processing `test.ly'
test.ly:0: warning: : no \version statement found, please add

\version "2.11.49"

for future compatibility
Interpreting music...
test.ly:8:24: warning: Lyric syllable does not have note. Use
\lyricsto or associatedVoice.
     lyr = \lyricmode {
                        I like my cat! }
test.ly:8:26: warning: Lyric syllable does not have note. Use
\lyricsto or associatedVoice.
     lyr = \lyricmode { I
                          like my cat! }
test.ly:8:31: warning: Lyric syllable does not have note. Use
\lyricsto or associatedVoice.
     lyr = \lyricmode { I like
                               my cat! }
test.ly:8:34: warning: Lyric syllable does not have note. Use
\lyricsto or associatedVoice.
     lyr = \lyricmode { I like my
                                  cat! }
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `test.ps'...
Converting to `./test.pdf'...

Attachment: test.ly
Description: application/extension-ly

Attachment: test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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