Graham Percival wrote:
...elisions galore...
As I said, I've tried polite recruitment.  Take a look at the email
archives; probably about six, twelve, and eighteen months ago.  It
seems to have worked for doc writers, but it hasn't worked for finding
(and keeping) -user support people.
I'm trying!  I answer the ones I know the answers too, and take the opportunity to RTFM on many, learn the answer, and then share it.  That helps me learn.  But, I don't have the seat time in yet.  I'm not the only one either.  Since I've been around I've seen others show up, ask questions, then after a time start contributing answers.  I don't think the seven answer most of the questions because they're the only motivated ones.  It thinks it's because they know more of the answers!  I don't really know who the seven are, but there are more than seven people that regularly answer questions. The ones I see the most are you, Trevor, Valentin, Robin, Carl, the other Patrick, Han-Wen, Neil, Peter, Dominic, Ralph, Werner, YIKES almost forget Mat!, John, Reinhold, Joe, Jonathan, and Morten.

Thats almost 20!

I would like to thank all of you:)  So I will--Thanks!


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