On 8/13/08 1:38 PM, "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's the status of jazz-chord-names; is it also to be removed?

My reading on Han-Wen's comment was not that he was going to remove
Banter, but that he was OK to have it removed.

Right now, I'm not going to jump into removing Banter from the code,
but I removed it from the docs.

Once I get my GDP stuff done, if nobody else has taken it on, I may
try my hand at fixing the chord namer.  But it's not particularly
high priority for me; I use basic chords in all my stuff, and the chord
namer works just fine.

> If you have a look at the chord chart, you'll see it's broken in
> several ways, mainly due to the legacy code which it shares with
> banter-chord-names:
> - the chord name separator is blank
> - chord name exceptions get ignored

Since you have looked into it more thoroughly than I have, you may be a
better person to do it than I.



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