Chris Snyder <csnyder <at>> writes:

> It seems to me that the documentation (which has been tremendously 
> improved over the last year - thanks Graham et al) could be a bit 
> clearer on this. Perhaps including a blurb like the following:
> "Note that \textLengthOn does not necessarily increase the spacing of 
> the note that the text is attached to. Rather, the shortest moment in 
> time when the text occurs will get the added space. For instance, in 4/4 
> time if text is added to a whole-note while another staff contains 
> quarter-notes, the space will be added between the first and second 
> quarter-notes of the measure."

If you'd like to propose additions to the docs, we'd appreciate it if you'd
tell us where the addition should go.

Also, in a case like this, a simple example that shows the behavior 
being described can help understand possibly-confusing wording.
If you could work up a simple example (one bar long) that
demonstrates the point you're trying to make, I'll add it to the

Carl Sorensen

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