On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 16:53:06 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin Bannister wrote Monday, August 11, 2008 1:32 PM
> > 
> > where the current HTML version says just
> >> See also 
> >> Internals Reference: Fingering. 
> >> Follow the link to Fingering.
> There are several sections which are conditional on the
> type of manual; this is one of them.

I really discourage this kind of thing; they should be rewritten
entirely.  For example, the tutorial discusses how you can click
on graphics in the HTML version -- people viewing the pdf won't
benefit from this discussion if they stick to pdf, but it might
encourage them to switch to HTML, so I left it in there.

Output-specific conditionals -- with the possible exception of
@ruser{} producing different links depending on the output -- are
a stupid idea that doesn't solve any problems that can't be solved
better by spending five minutes rewriting confusing sentences.

(the above is a prime example of a confusing sentence, however)

> > Does this mean I shouldn't check/search/quote/etc. the PDF version?
> Not at all, but it is probably more productive for you to
> concentrate on the sections of the manuals in development
> which have been completed,

Just to clarify the material in question: looking up properties is
*much* easier in the HTML version, because there's a ton of
cross-references you need to read.  If you're doing a lot of that,
I'd recommend switching to html instead of trying to use pdf for

- Graham

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