I confirm that dots are on the lines for me. Ubuntu 8.04.
Jay Anderson wrote:
David Bobroff <bobroff <at> centrum.is> writes:
I just tried it on XP and Fedora 8. Looks fine here. Dots are *not* on
staff lines.
Peter Johnson wrote:
%% tested input file
\relative c'' {
\clef treble
\time 3/4
g2. a4. b c8. d e d c4. b a2. g
%% ends
Strange I'm seeing the same problem with this example. I've tested on Ubuntu
8.04 which should have the same install as fedora and on osx 10.4 PPC. I'm not
sure what would be causing this if the same install produces normal output for
some people and not for others. Are others seeing this also? I don't see a bug
filed yet.
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Jonathan Kulp
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