On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 07:51 -0500, Shamus wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded from 2.10.33 to 2.11.52 and noticed that
> SeparatingGroupSpanner is no longer available. I used to use it to keep
> my chord names from running into each other with
> \override SeparatingGroupSpanner #'padding = #'2.0
> in my ChordNames context, but it seems to have been removed. Funny thing
> is the documentation still refers to it even though it's no longer on
> the Internals Reference page. Is this a bug? If not, what can I do to
> keep my chord names from crowding each other? I've looked over the
> documentation but so far have been unable to find anything suitable.

Try overriding the extra-spacing-width property on the ChordName grob
(the extra-spacing-width property is part of the item-interface, which
is supported by ChordName).

You could also try overriding the padding property of the SeparationItem

By the way, if you attach a small example that demonstrates the problem,
it becomes easier to help because I can test to see if my suggestions
fix the problem.


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