
Here's a further solution to your problem which demonstrates how to use \tweak to change the shape of one tie within a chord. Thanks to Han-Wen for showing how this should be done. I've made a note to add this to the docs.

\new Staff <<
 \key f \major \time 6/8
 \new Voice {
   \relative c' {
     <fis~ d'~>4. <fis d'>4 <a e'>8
       -\tweak #'control-points
         #'((1.75 . -0.5) (2.5 . 0.75) (8 . 2) (13.5 . -1.2))
       -~ d'~>4.
     <fis d'>4 <a e'>8
 \new Voice {
   \relative c'' {
     a8 a16 a a8 a a a
     a8 a16 a a8 a a a


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