Scores and Parts are produced by defining the notes only once:


On 7/21/08, Daryna Baikadamova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suppose if I typeset a full score (with all instruments that appear in the
> work) in lilypond, there are there any commands / programs / scripts that
> can automatically take the full score lilypond file and create pdf for:
> conductor's score - with parts that do not play in a particular line in a
> system automatically removed to save space
> parts score - with correct transposition and correctly replace continuous
> rests with a multiple-bar rest, or better, allow specification of length and
> the source (from which instrument the melody comes from) of hint as small
> notes before the instrument actually starts playing.
> Are these features already there?  These features would greatly simplify the
> work of the typesetter and leave the mechanical works to lilypond.........
> Daryna
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