Thermo <Graham.Okely <at>> writes: > > > I have this to build the guitar chords > guitarChords = \chordmode {d a/fis g:7 g/a (etc....) } > > Then I have this to build the whole score: > > \score { << \new ChordNames { guitarChords} > \new GrandStaff << > \new Staff = upper { \new Voice = "one" \upper } % upper is the > melody line > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \verseWords % > verseWords are the verse words alright=^D > \new Staff = lower { \lower } % lower > is the bass line > >>
>> > \layout { > \context { \GrandStaff \accepts "Lyrics" } > \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" } > } > } > \midi { } > } > I put the added lines in the code above; you simply need to put a ChordNames context containing the chords in parallel with the GrandStaff. HTH, Carl _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list