Need Help i try forum, etc with no luck

I want to create a slur or phasing in the alternative ending like the example:

version "2.11.49"

\relative c' {
       c4 c c c e e e e f f f f g' f \(e d \break
\repeat volta 2 { c4\) c c c e e e e f f f f g g g g } \alternative { { f e d b } { c c c c } } }

The idea it is creating a *slur* or phasing between \alternative { { f e (d b ???} to the repeat volta 2 wich already have a *ending* phasing..

i made this by my own use cadenza and unhide notes...

\version "2.11.49"

\relative c' {
       c4 c c c e e e e f f f f g' f \(e d \break
\repeat volta 2 { c4\) c c c e e e e f f f f g g g g } \alternative { { \cadenzaOn f e (d b \hideNotes c ) } { \cadenzaOff \unHideNotes c c c c } } }

But i still have a problem i have a big hole space after the B note...

Is there any version of lilypond that have a tutorial about these issue?

THANKS, for supporting.....

Great program...

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