cpgray <cpgray <at> library.uwaterloo.ca> writes: > > > Warning: LilyPond Newbie > > I'm trying out LilyPond to see if there is a way to do chord charts in the > fashion illustrated in the wikipedia article on "Chord Charts". The image > there illustrates what I'm looking for: > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Chord_chart.jpg >
Here is an example. You were close, but needed to put the Pitch_squash_engraver in a Voice context, rather than a Staff context. As you can see, in this example the pitch of the note has no effect on the height of the slash head, and transposition affects the chords, but not the note location. Currently, there is not a good facility for using chord diagrams with transposition, but I hope to get one implemented this summer, if I can get over the issues involved with changing computer systems. I haven't tried any of the bowing indications. However, staccato, ties, slurs, etc should all work in this notation. Carl %%% Begin cut and paste code mychords = \chordmode { c1:7 f } myrhythm = { \key f \major \improvisationOn e8 f8 r8 b8 r8 b8 r8 b | c1 } << \new ChordNames { \mychords \transpose f c { \mychords } } \new Voice \with { \consists Pitch_squash_engraver } \relative c'' { \myrhythm \transpose f c { \myrhythm } } >> %%%%% end cut and paste code _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user