Hi All
Having a small problem with chordmode, displaying chords within the staff.
I wish to display some chords on a bass clef.
Decided that chordmode in this instance was the best way. (im tidying up from a simple "chords above lyrics" doc. So I dont know the notes. Of course I could work them out)

The snip below shows a note progression of dedga which all sit nicely on the bass clef staff as expected. (my test phrase) However when I do the same thing using chordmode the chords are way off the top of the staff. As if the relative and clef commands are ignored. I tried inserting clef and relative commands within the chordmode command but recieved errors.

I had to "d, e,,:m d, g,, a,,:sus}" to force it to look like what I anticipated. Im not sure if its a bass clef v chordmode problem or just not utilising chordmode correctly

\new Staff {
\clef bass
\key d \major
\relative c {
d e d g a}
\chordmode {
d e:m d g a:sus}


Thanks Mark

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