Hi Valentin,
Not only have I read them too
There you go, Graham: at least two people have read your "best
practices" docs! ;-)
I don't think the docs are incomplete, I think *we* are, as
LilyPond coders.
I'm afraid all of us are actually making history right here, right
The documentation needs to be MORE COMPLETE than it is now, based on
the trails WE are blazing with our "unprecedented" scores.
There is no reason that any Lilyponder -- especially a newbie --
should have to reinvent the wheel on something as common (in Western
chamber and orchestral music) as instrument doublings. For the
record, I'm happy to write the final documentation... but I still
feel that the discussion thread should stay open for a while, to make
sure all options have been considered and the best practice(s) have
really been identified.
I think we need to confront our practices, our trial-and-error
practices etc. to get a better point of view on this.
Agreed... which is precisely why I've been posting these
discussions! =)
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