Hi James,
The output has the cross staff beams horribly, horribly wrong.
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but maybe the following
modified code will get you going in the right direction:
\include "english.ly"
global = { \time 6/8 \key ef \major \override Fingering #'avoid-slur
= #'inside }
RH = \relative
g'''8 r r16 <af,, f' af> <bf g' bf>8 r16 g bf ef | %123
{ \voiceTwo g16 ef bf g \csd \voiceOne ef bf \csu \oneVoice <g' ef'
g>4 ~ <g ef' g>16 <af f' af> }
\new Voice { \voiceOne \stemDown s4 r16 <af f' af> s4. } >>
LH = \relative
\clef bass
ef,,16( bf' ef bf ef bf' ef, bf' ef) r bf,8( | %123
ef8) r \voiceTwo d\rest ef16 \override Fingering #'direction = #1
bf'-1 ef,-2 bf ef-1 bf | %124
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff = "RH" << \global \RH >>
\new Staff = "LH" << \global \LH >>
p.s. I'm curious... why do you use nested \relative commands? For me,
it makes the code much more difficult to read than it needs to be.
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