A few comments:
- "Parallel notes" only talks about parallel notes within a single Voice
context. Where in the NR
would one find a general description of the use of <<...>> to put
things in parallel?
It's certainly described in the LM, but should be somewhere also in
the NR for completeness.
If it is, then the question is if the current "Parallel notes" gets
redundant (it's just a special case).
- Similarly, in 1.5.2, shouldn't there be a description of the <<{...}
\\ {...} >> construct? Also, the \voiceOne ... \voiceFour macros are
just listed but not described.
- Do we have a bug report for the failing collision resolution in the
second measure of the
examples in "Collision resolution"?
- The description of the snippet "Additional voices to avoid collisions"
could be clarified to say
"If more than four parallel voices are needed, additional voices are
added by ..."
- Typo in "Voice styles": "Lerning Manual" -> "Learning Manual"
- What's really the purpose of the predefined voice styles? I can
understand that they are
useful for some illustrations in the manual, and probably were
introduced for that reason, but
I don't really see that these arbitrarily defined styles have much
interest for other users, except
possibly as examples of how such styles can be defined by yourself.
At least, it should be clarified that they are arbitrarily defined.
Since there are four predefined
styles, shouldn't the example show all four of them?
- Is it because of a limitation in the abilities of the \parallelMusic
function that the example in
"Writing music in parallel" doesn't include all the notes that J.S.
Bach wrote in these measures?
(Perhaps it's just to avoid making the example looking too complicated).
Graham Percival wrote:
I'm proud to announce the first draft of NR 1.5 Simultaneous!
This is the third section of the NR to reach this stage; many
thanks to Francisco for his hard work on this section.
Please proofread this section carefully. Let us know about any
omissions or anything that's unclear. If you like working from
paper, print it out and proofread it at your leisure -- sitting on
the couch, waiting for a bus, or during orchestra rehearsal if
you're a brass player.
In addition, please look at the Snippet List (SL) for
Simultaneous. If you know of any snippets that you think should
be on this list but aren't, let us know!
As always, GDP website is here:
go to "output" -> NR. You can view it in HTML or PDF.
- Graham
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
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