I've long wanted the mutopia O Magnum Mysterium transcribed by Jeff Covey with apparently much help from jcn to build with any current version of lilypond. With the help of the excellent new documentation and several of the people here I have it working fairly well. I want it to print the choral staff followed by each of the individual parts. I found that I could throw in a new \score for each part and it works, but--is it wacky? Is there a better way to do it? I started with something quite old using the old style of lyrics and fear that I should have changed things more rather than less. A vastly simplified version follows to illustrate what I'm doing in the first 9 bars:

\paper { set-paper-size = "letter" ragged-bottom = ##t }
\version "2.11.49"

global =  { \key aes \major \time 4/4 }

sopranoMelody =  \relative c'' {
       c1 f,2 c' ~ c4 c des des c2 r4
       f des ees f4. f8 f4 c des  c ~
       ( c8[ bes aes g aes bes c aes]  bes[ aes]  aes[ g16 f] g2 ~ g ) f

altoMelody =  \relative c' {
       r1 r2 f2 ~ f bes, f'2. f4 ges ges f2 r4
       f des ees f4. f8 f4 c des f2 ( e8[ d] e2 ) f

tenorMelody =  \relative c' {
       R1*7 r2 c2 ~ c f,2

sopranoLyrics = \lyricmode {
       O ma -- gnum __ my -- ste -- ri -- um

altoLyrics = \lyricmode {
       O _ma  -- gnum my -- ste -- ri -- um
       et ad -- mi -- ra -- bi -- le sa -- cra -- men -- tum,

tenorLyrics = \lyricmode { O _ma }

sopranoTotal = \simultaneous {
       \new Staff = "soprano" {
               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Soprano"
               \clef "violin"
               \new Voice="soprano"<< \global \sopranoMelody >>
       \context Lyrics = soprano \lyricsto soprano \sopranoLyrics

altoTotal = \simultaneous {
       \new Staff = "alto" {

               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Alto"
               \clef "violin"
               \context Voice=alto<< \global \altoMelody >>
       \context Lyrics = alto \lyricsto alto \altoLyrics

tenorTotal = \simultaneous {
       \new Staff = "tenor" {
               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
               \clef "violin_8"
               \context Voice=tenor<< \global \tenorMelody >>
       \context Lyrics = tenor \lyricsto tenor \tenorLyrics

\score { \new ChoirStaff = "choir" << \sopranoTotal \altoTotal \tenorTotal >> }


\score { \sopranoTotal \layout{ } }


\score { \altoTotal \layout{ } }


\score { \tenorTotal \layout{ \context { \Score skipBars = ##t } } }

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