2008/6/22 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You read AU 4.6.3 Inserting LilyPond output into other programs,
> from the 2.11 docs.  Actually, I think this exists in the 2.10
> docs as well, albeit in a different document.

(Lets try again, without the attachments....)

Yes, I did read that, I just couldn't find it again to write down it's

I've tried it again with PNG and EPS (I hadn't tried this before), and
I may have found a bug...

My entire ly file is:

 bookTitleMarkup = ##f
 scoreTitleMarkup = ##f


if I  try (copied from the docs)
lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts   myfile.ly

I get a nice EPS file that is cropped to size. If I don't include the
\paper block, then I get a full page.

The same file processed by
lilypond --png myfile.ly

produces a full page output. I can't find any other mentions of PNG
specfic options in the docs.

I am using 2.11.45.

Matthew Rowles

- Be Alert. Australia needs lerts.

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