      I apologize for breaking the thread.  I'm still getting the hang of the 
proper etiquette of this very valuable forum.
     Maybe what I'm trying to do is simply too ambitious.  I actually have 
three separate musical projects.  One project is to convert to LP 900 songs for 
a friend who is a jazz composer; that is fairly straightforward because I 
simply place them in the key he wrote them in.  The second project is to create 
lead sheets of popular songs for my singing teacher; this is the difficult 
project because she cannot transpose, so my hope was to provide her each lead 
sheet 12 times, once in each key;  I was hoping to be able to do that whilst 
maintaining a single lead sheet for each song and "merely" transposing that 
single lead sheet into the 12 keys;  that is the case where the enharmonics of 
the chords becomes a really big issue. The third case is for my own use, in 
which case I only need it in one different key, in which case your suggestion 
to transpose different sections differently works fine because I can "tune" the 
original music so that it transposes
 well into the single key I then transpose it into.
      I will try to learn more about the SCHEME language so I can better 
understand the SCHEME hack I was first pointed to.  Another avenue I would like 
to pursue is creating my own fonts for chords.  I don't know where to begin 
however, so if anyone has pointers on how to start, I would appreciate it.

----- Original Message ----
From: Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robert Glover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:29:16 AM
Subject: Re: F7 chord appearing as E#7 when I transpose (Paul Scott)

Robert Glover wrote:
>    I'm the (newbie) person whose post instigated this thread.  I faithfully 
> applied the advice given, but alas the result was not satisfactory.  The lead 
> sheet is a classic example of the worst possible case: 

>    Anyway, thank you very much for the timely suggestion.  I do appreciate it 
> even though so far it's not working for me.
My workaround for this is to divide the chord (or melody in some of my
cases) section into parts as necessary and transpose them individually.

For example the chord fis2:m7 transposed as \transpose c cf fis2:m7
should give you what you want.  I didn't test this but some enharmonic
combination giving a half step should work.



BTW you broke the thread somehow.  Did you use the Reply button?

--- On Sat, 6/14/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 67, Issue 48
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 4:45 AM
> Send lilypond-user mailing list submissions to
>       lilypond-user@gnu.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>       http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
> specific
> than "Re: Contents of lilypond-user
> digest..."Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:Divisi and Unison (Francisco Vila)
>    2. re:different rehearsal mark settings in score and
> parts (hhpmusic)
>    3. Re:F7 chord appearing as E#7 when I transpose (Paul
> Scott)
>       (Robert Glover)
>    4. Re:F7 chord appearing as E#7 when I transpose (Paul
> Scott)
>       (Paul Scott)
>    5. an innocent's query :) (Bill Mooney)
>    6. Re:Syntax explanations (James E. Bailey)
>    7. Re:an innocent's query :) (David
> Bobroff)2008/6/14 Kieren MacMillan
> > You might start with the following:
> >
> >    arrow = \markup { \fontsize #5
> \override #'(thickness . 3) \combine
> > \draw-line #'(0 . 4) \arrow-head #Y #DOWN
> ##t }
> >    \markup { \combine \raise #-1
> \rotate #45 \arrow \raise #1 \rotate #135
> > \arrow }
> Great!
> Here goes another (uglier) starting point:
> % start
> psarrows = #"
>       1 setlinecap
>       .6 setlinewidth
>       3 -0.5 translate
>       .3 .3 scale
>       0 0 moveto
>       5 5 lineto
>       -2 0 rlineto
>       5 5 moveto
>       0 -2 rlineto
>       0 0 moveto
>       5 -5 lineto
>       0 2 rlineto
>       5 -5 moveto
>       -2 0 rlineto stroke"
> arrows = \markup { \postscript #psarrows }
> { c'1-\arrows }
> % end
> -- 
> Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
> http://www.paconet.orgI'm the (newbie) person whose
> post instigated this thread.  I faithfully applied the
> advice given, but alas the result was not satisfactory. 
> The lead sheet is a classic example of the worst possible
> case:  The "A" section starts with I VI  II V. 
> The "B" section transposes the "A"
> section into the key of III, then transposes the 
> "A" section into the key of "IV".  That
> worst possible case makes the transposition into keys with
> four or more sharps look terrible because, for example, in
> the key of "B major "  the "B" section
> has chord "E#m7".  While a purist might argue
> that is the correct representation, it is completely
> unacceptable to give a lead sheet with that chord to a
> member of a jazz group because instant, fast sight reading
> is required in jazz. It must be notated as Fm7.
>    When I used the clever Scheme technique recommended, it
> could not handle this worst possible case song. 
> Specifically, in the part of the "B" section that
> is the "A" section transposed into the key of III,
> it turned the  "E#m7" into an
> "F#6/sus#2" and it changed an "A#7"
> into a "A#7bb6/susb4".  However in the part of
> the "B" section where it transposed the
> "A" section into the key of IV it did it
> perfectly, rendering the chords as F7m7 and b7.
>    I do appreciate the suggestion I received, but I do not
> want to leave the impression it worked for me because
> clearly my needs have not been filled here.
>    To paraphrase my jazz piano teacher,  what is ultimately
> needed here is a "jazz mode" where it can be
> specified as an inviolable rule that an E# chord is always
> rendered as an F chord, a B# chord is always rendered as a
> "C" chord. My jazz teacher was uncertain about
> whether a Cb chord should always be rendered as a
> "B" chord.  He thought about it and finally
> decided he thought it should be always rendered as a
> "B" chord.  This is a need for jazz musicians,
> not for classical musicians.
>    Anyway, thank you very much for the timely suggestion. 
> I do appreciate it even though so far it's not working
> for me.
> >> Since the same request has appeared for ordinary
> notes, some clever Scheme
> >> hackers have
> >> made a function that automatically gets rid of the
> extra accidentals by
> >> enharmonically rewriting the
> >> music.
> >Dumb question: are we sure we still do need the
> ordinary \transpose?
> >If not, may be we could make it "smarter" by
> implementing the snippet
> >as a default code... (possibly keeping the current
> function as an
> >\old-transpose command for backwards
> compatibility?)
> >Or is it likely to break many many many things?
> >Cheers,
> >ValentinRobert Glover wrote:
> >    I'm the (newbie) person whose post instigated
> this thread.  I faithfully applied the advice given, but
> alas the result was not satisfactory.  The lead sheet is a
> classic example of the worst possible case:  
> (snip)
> >    Anyway, thank you very much for the timely
> suggestion.  I do appreciate it even though so far it's
> not working for me.
> >   
> My workaround for this is to divide the chord (or melody in
> some of my
> cases) section into parts as necessary and transpose them
> individually.
> For example the chord fis2:m7 transposed as \transpose
> c cf fis2:m7
> should give you what you want.  I didn't test this but
> some enharmonic
> combination giving a half step should work.
> Paul
> BTW you broke the thread somehow.  Did you use the Reply
> button?Greetings All,
> I am a newcomer to the list, and to Lilypond.
> Notwithstanding this I am 
> finding LP very satisfying to use and am currently setting
> some 
> hand-notation music for a friend - from which activity
> rises my query.
> Would it be worthwhile to consider changing the way LP
> 'reads' its input 
> files to allow the use of UpperCase letters for the notes?
> It seems to me, in my innocence, that this would allow,
> amongst other 
> things,  a change to the way sharps/flats etc are dealt
> with ( eg Aa = 
> A-sharp, aA = A-flat, and other one-key-strokes for
> quarter-tones, etc, 
> etc... ), and might lead to dropping the need for the
> various 'language' 
> include files. It would also make global replacements of
> one particular 
> note very easy (if perhaps in notating handwritten score by
> someone who 
> is not very accurate in their note placement! ).
> Regards
> BillAm 13.06.2008 um 23:17 schrieb Graham Percival:
> > On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 22:46:57 +0200
> > Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> Am Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2008 schrieb Graham
> Percival:
> >>> On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:22:44 -0600
> >>>
> >>> "Carl D. Sorensen"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> A figured bass entry [TODO: enter correct
> term...] is of the form
> >>>>   < //number//modifier(s) ... 
> >duration
> >>>
> >>> I'm not wild about discussing the standard
> chord notation
> >>> < ... >duration
> >>> but the below table would be totally ok.
> >>
> >> Ah, thanks for pointing out that figured bass
> figures actually use
> >> the chord notation! To me, it was simply the
> syntax for figured bass
> >> and never occured to me that it was connected to
> chord syntax in any
> >> way.
> >
> > This *should* be clear in the GDP docs, but I'm
> not certain if it
> > was added or not.  Could you check, and tell Carl if
> it's not
> > added?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > - Graham
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> > lilypond-user@gnu.org
> > http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> FWIW, I just started using figuredbassmode a couple of
> weeks ago, so  
> it was the first time I looked at that documentation, and
> it was clear  
> to me that it was chord notation.Bill Mooney wrote:
> > Greetings All,
> > I am a newcomer to the list, and to Lilypond.
> Notwithstanding this I am 
> > finding LP very satisfying to use and am currently
> setting some 
> > hand-notation music for a friend - from which activity
> rises my query.
> > Would it be worthwhile to consider changing the way LP
> 'reads' its input 
> > files to allow the use of UpperCase letters for the
> notes?
> > It seems to me, in my innocence, that this would
> allow, amongst other 
> > things,  a change to the way sharps/flats etc are
> dealt with ( eg Aa = 
> > A-sharp, aA = A-flat, and other one-key-strokes for
> quarter-tones, etc, 
> > etc... ), and might lead to dropping the need for the
> various 'language' 
> > include files. It would also make global replacements
> of one particular 
> > note very easy (if perhaps in notating handwritten
> score by someone who 
> > is not very accurate in their note placement! ).
> > Regards
> > Bill
> I'm hardly an expert in these matters but some things
> do occur to me 
> regarding your question.
> As for eliminating the 'need' for language include
> files; These were 
> created, I presume, to facilitate note entry for people who
> learned 
> different note naming conventions.  I'm American and
> learned B-flat, 
> C-sharp, etc.  I also lived in Spain for a year and had to
> learn the 
> Spanish note names.  Now I find myself in Iceland where the
> note naming 
> convention is the same as in German for the most part (one
> school 
> teaches what is, essentially, the Dutch naming convention).
>  I simply 
> use the Dutch naming convention because I find it very
> compact and 
> consistent.*  Having these language options eliminates the
> need for a 
> user to learn a different note naming convention.
> As for changing the input note naming convention; I see no
> reason why 
> you couldn't create your own 'language' file
> based on your desire to use 
> upper-case note names.  Simply open one of the language
> input files 
> (~\LilyPond\usr\share\lilypond\current\ly\)
> and make a new copy and then 
> edit it to suit your needs.  In fact, even the default
> (Dutch) is a 
> 'language include' file.  It's simply the
> default.  I would be surprised 
> if it were not possible to change the default.
> As for easing global replacements of errors I'm not
> convinced it would 
> offer much of an improvement.  There would doubtless be
> instances of 
> other text which could be affected by global replacements.
> Hope this helps,
> David
> *Dutch and German differ in the naming of the B's:
> English               Dutch           German
> B-flat                bes             b
> B             b               h
> B-sharp               bis             
> his_______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

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