I am created a lead sheet consisting of words, chords, and melody in the key 
of C.  The bridge has these chords:     

   fis2:m7     b2:7     |       e2:maj7     cis2:m7  |

   In the key of C they appear okay in the pdf as:  F#m7   B7   Etriangle  C#7

  but when I transpose it from C to B those chords appear as:  E#m7  A#7  
D#7triangle  B#m7.

  When I transpose the same key of C lead sheet to a flat key, for example E 
flat, it appears okay in the pdf.
For example in key of E flat:   Am7  D7  Gtriangle  Em7

   My jazz piano teacher tells me that in a jazz lead sheet it is mandatory 
that  an "F" chord be notated as an "F" chord no matter what the key is.  
Specifically, my jazz piano teacher tells me that notating an "F" chord as "E#" 
is absolutely not allowed in a jazz lead sheet.

   What I am trying to do is have one version of the complete song in the key 
of "C" and then print out 12 lead sheets, one in each key.  Below shows the 
program I use for the key of B.  After that I show the program I use for the 
key of E flat. After that, I show the contents of file 
"actual_song_for_include.ly" which I include in all 12 of my transposition 
   My jazz piano teacher tells me that what I need is a way to force Lilypond 
to in all circumstances to never ever print a chord as a B# chord, to always 
automatically change it to a C chord.  Similarly,  an E# chord should always be 
automatically changed to an "F" chord.  Same for an Fb chord, which LilyPond 
should always notate as an "E" chord.  Finally, a Cb chord should be notated as 
a B chord.

 Help with this very  much appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

..(below is contents of file transpose_song_into_KEY_B.ly )...
\include "..\actual_song_for_include.ly" 
transposeHarmonies =  \transpose  c b \harmonies 
transposeMelody =     \transpose  c b \melody 
\include "template_boilerplate_AFTER.ly" 

..(below is contents of file transpose_song_into_KEY_E_FLAT.ly )...
\include "..\actual_song_for_include.ly"  
transposeHarmonies =  \transpose  c ees \harmonies 
transposeMelody =      \transpose c ees  \melody
\include "template_boilerplate_AFTER.ly" 

..(below is contents of file actual_song_for_include.ly )...
\version "2.10.33"

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
\paper {
   head-separation = 2\mm
   page-top-space = 3\mm
   before-title-space = 3\mm
   after-title-space = 3\mm
   top-margin = 2\mm
   bottom-margin = 2\mm
   between-system-space =  10\mm
   between-system-padding = 2\mm
   foot-separation = 2\mm
      title = "Moonlight In Vermont"
      composer = "Music by Karl Suessdorf"
      poet = "Lyric by John Blackburn"
      copyright = "copyright 1945, 1945, renewed 1972"
      enteredby = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
     indent = 0.0\cm

theLyricsOne = \lyricmode {
  Pen -- nies in a               | stream,                |  Fall -- ing 
leaves, a    | sy -- ca -- more,  |
  Moon -- light in Ver --        | mont.                  |  I -- cy fin -- ger 
      | waves,             |
  Ski trails on a                | moun -- tain -- side,  |  Snow -- light in 
Ver --  | mont        |
  Tel -- e -- graph ca -- bles,  they |  sing down the high -- way and   |
  trav -- el each bend __ in the     | road.                            | 
  Peo -- ple who meet __ in this     | ro -- man -- tic set -- ting are | 
  so hyp -- no -- tized  by the      | love -- ly                       |
  Eve -- ning sum -- mer          | breeze,               | Warb -- ling of a   
       | mead -- ow -- lark, |   
  Moon -- light in Ver --         | mont.
  You and I and moon -- light in Ver -- | mont.

melody = \relative c'
  \time 4/4
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
% ****************************************************************
% First "A" Section  (melody)
% ****************************************************************

\repeat volta 2 {

a'4    g     e     d      |
e1                        |
a4    g     e4.     c8    |
d8 e8  aes,2.             | 
e'4 d c a                 |
c1                        |

a'4    g     e     d      |
e1                        |
a4    g     e4.     c8    |
d8 e8  aes,2.             |
e'4    d     c     a      |
c1                        |

% ****************************************************************
% First "B" Section  (melody)
% ****************************************************************

b8 [b b b] ~ b b4 b8     |
b8 b4 b8 b8 b4 b8        |
b8 [b8 b8] b'8 ~ b4 a8 b8  |
gis1  |

c,8 [c8 c8 c8] ~ c8 c4 c8   |

c8 c4 c8 c8 c4 c8         |
c8 [c8 c8] c'8 ~ c4 bes8 c8 |
a2  aes2                  |

% ****************************************************************
% Second "A" Section (melody) 
% ****************************************************************

a4    g     e     d       |
e1                        |
a4    g     e4.     c8    |
d8 e8  aes,2.             | 
e'4 d c a                 |
c1                        |


% ****************************************************************
% Ending   (melody)
% ****************************************************************    

gis8 a c e a b gis ais |
g1                     |


harmonies = \chordmode {

% ****************************************************************
% First "A" Section  (chords)
% ****************************************************************
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      bes1:5-.7             | 
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c2:6      g2:7sus4    |
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      bes1:5-.7             | 
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c1:6                  |
% ****************************************************************
% First "B" Section   (chords)
% ****************************************************************
      fis2:m7     b2:7     |
      e2:maj7     cis2:m7  |
      fis2:m7     b2:7     |
      e1:maj7               |
      g2:m7      c2:7       |
      f2:maj7    d2:m7      |
      g2:m7      c2:7       |
      f2:maj7    g2:5-.7.9- |
% ****************************************************************
% Second "A" Section   (chords)
% ****************************************************************      
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c2:6      a2:m7       |
      bes1:5-.7             | 
      d2:m7     g2:7        |
      c1:6                  |
% ****************************************************************
% Ending   (chords)
% ****************************************************************      

      d2:7 ~ d4:7      des4:7       |  c1:6 |
      \bar "||"

..(below is contents of file template_boilerplate_AFTER.ly )...

\score {
   \new ChordNames {
     \set chordChanges = ##t
   \new Voice = "melody" {
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \theLyricsOne


     \context {
       \Score \override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = 
#(ly:make-moment 1 16)

\score { 
      \new ChordNames {
         \set chordChanges = ##t
   \new Staff \transposeMelody

     \context {
       \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 85 4)     % set midi tempo


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