
I don't do this anymore - but I used to charge 100 EUR per hour, and
what you're sketching is several months of works at the least.

why don't you browse around a little more.  I bet there are sequencers
that are better suited to what you need.

good luck.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Dan W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd be willing to pay a lot more than $25 ;-)
> Hello, I'm involved in an open source game development project; a game
> called Privateer - Parallel Universe
> pu.wcjunction.com
> pu.wcjunction.com/phpBB2
> It's a remake and expansion of an old game --Wing Commander : Privateer, but
> soon we'll be expanding the map from the original (only Gemini sector) onto
> other
> sectors in the Wing Commander universe map, such as Avalon and Sol sectors;
> and we've decided we need new music for those, to differenciate the feeling
> of each region.
> We'd like to assign a different microtonal musical scale to each race,
> faction and region; then compose music for them.
> For the kind of microtonalism I'm speaking of, check out Harry Partch:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOHBqFevy0k&amp;feature=related
> Well, not exactly; more inspired on his book, Genesis of a Music, than on
> his compositions.
> Namely, the kind of microtonalism we're interested in is not a new,
> arbitrary subdivision, but rather a return to classic and pre-classic
> (pagan) musical ratios. That is, for Terran music we'd probably be using
> well-tempered diatonic tunings, based on Pythagorean intervals (using powers
> of 2 and 3 exclusively). Human pirates' music might be based on a fairly
> similar, Hypolydian ratios, based on fractions containing the number 18 as
> numerator or denominator. But for other races, such as Kilrathi, Varni, Woo,
> Steltek and others, other scales would apply. Dorian scale, based on
> fractions of 11, would be ideal for the Kilrathi, I would think, for
> example, due to its martial feeling.
> What I've been looking for is some notation/composition software tool that,
> allows me to compose music with multiple tracks, with some means of
> positioning notes in pitch and time. Pentagram would be great.
> allows me to specifiy the exact pitch of each note in the musical scale.
> Ideally by a rational number, like 5/4 or 81/64 for the major third, for
> example; but otherwise in "cents" (hundredths of a semitone) as offset from
> an atempered scale note. (Quarter tones would be far too coarse.)
> allows me to save a scale to a file; or load one from a file.
> assumes that the notes specified for the scale repeat at higher or lower
> octaves, but preferably makes allowance for octave-specific variations in
> the numbers and pitches of notes.
> allows me to bend the pitch of a note at any point along a track
> allows me to change the lengths of bars, like playing 2 x 6/8 bars, followed
> by two 4/8 bars, followed by.... whatever.
> allows me to define different bar metrics for different tracks, such as in
> King Crimson's song Discipline, where, at one point (2 minutes into the
> song), one guitar is playing at 14/16 and the other at 15/16.
> allows me to divide the time of a note by any number, like triplets; but
> ideally up to high and odd numbers like 17, or 23 notes in the duration of
> one. I believe this is what Wagner does for those musical "explosions" near
> the end of the Ride of the Valkyrias, where various instruments are playing
> 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. notes in the same space of time, simultaneously.
> allows me to edit and play back and to save and to record a .wav or .aif or
> some other un-compressed, high quality audio format, hopefully including
> high sampling rate formats, such as 88KHz or 192KHz.
> hopefully runs on xp but I could install linux if necessary.
> hopefully includes some half decent sound fonts of instruments
> hopefully doesn't break the bank
> We were just beginning to consider writing our own software, when someone
> passed me a link to LilyPond. If you were interested in adding these
> features, how long would it take, and how much would you charge me?

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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