> This is the "Welcome_to_LilyPond" file itself.   I am not talking about a 
> file I copied from the Lilypond pdf or manuscript.
> Before that, I always got a midi file.    But the ps file opens up my media 
> player -I have the VLC media player and I cannot play that file extension.  
> It seems that the midi extension is no longer being written for the 
> "Welcome_to_LilyPond" file or they expect me to be able to play the ps file.  
> Well for some reason, I cannot.

You are right. You cannot play .ps file with your media player. The
.ps file is a PostScript file that's used to get the .pdf. Do you
remember what was the version you still got the midi file? With 2.10
and 2.11 you must have the \midi block inside a \score block to get
the midi. The example file that opens up when you double click the
Lilypond icon will not create a midi file without modification. Such a
modification is quite easy to make.

Please have try and use the example I sent earlier and copy the
\relative {} stuff of the Lilypond example inside the \score block
(replace the { c'1 }) of my example and compile it. You should get a
midi file with a c major scale.

I hope this helps.


  title = "A scale in LilyPond"

      c d e f g a b c

    \layout {}
    \midi {}

\version "2.10.0"

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