the following assumes you've checked out
and decided against calculating the Y-offset of every staff on every page.

my current kludge:
  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'Y-extent = #'(0.0 . X.X) 
where X.X is the distance from the first staff's middle line to the bottom
of the titling (including descenders).
You'll want a number exceeding the highest element on the first staff of
every piece plus a little padding. This has worked for me even with
single-digit time signatures and even customizing the stencil with markups.

Of course, your piece will have to have a time signature on the first line.
If not, you can reference "Staff.Clef" instead, taking into account that the
treble clef will be measured from the G-line and the bass from the F-line
(plus offsets if displaced vertically?). I don't like to have to remember to
care what clef starts off the first line, so I've opted to abuse the time

Anyone have something more obvious?

Risto Vääräniemi-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any plans for a setting that could be used for setting the
> spacing between the title / header and the first system? Now the
> spacing is affected by between-system-padding. Usually it's OK but if
> you're making e.g. a song book that have songs with different paddings
> the results are not always that pleasing.
> There's a value called after-title-space but that cannot be used for
> hard-coding the space before the first system.
> One option would be setting the between-system-padding to zero, use
> after-title-space to create the desired space and set the
> between-system-space to spread the systems. That would lead to
> problems with some pieces because -padding and -space work
> differently.
> Any tips?
> -Risto
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