Hello, everybody!

It is my first posting to this list. I am blind programmer from Russia
and music takes a very important part in my life. Lilypond is just brilliant 
for me. Now I can make my own music publications by myself. Great thanks 
to everybody, who made it possible!

There is one thing I cannot understand . In many examples 
notes are not written in "\new Staff" block directly,
but placed in something like 
         upper = \relative c'' {
           \clef treble
           \key c \major
           \time 4/4
           a4 b c d  

What is the advantage of such approach? I am asking,
because in "Piano centered dynamics" example melody and dynamics are written 
In long composition it can be difficult to
think about a correct place for dynamics.

Are there problems to write melody and dynamics together? And why using special 
for melody in most cases is more convenient?

With best wishes, Michael Pozhidaev.
Tomsk state university, computer science department.
ALTLinux Team.

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