Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold <at>> writes: > > In Mozarts "Benedictus sit Deus" the figured bass sometimes has figures, > where > one of the numbers uses extenders over the whole measure, while the second > one is repeated. An scan of a hand-engraved score is attached. > > How can I do this properly with lilypond? I tried using \markup{\number 3} > instead of 3, but lilypond still detects the markup as equal and uses > extenders... > > Thanks, > Reinhold >
Reinhold, It came to me on my vacation that you just need to split add some 16th note figures. I've done it for the first figure pair, but not the rest. Carl << % \new Voice { \relative c' { a'8 a g! f } % } \new FiguredBass { \figuremode { \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t <5 3>16 <5>16 <5 3> <5 3> <5 3> } } >> _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list