Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold <at>> writes:

> In Mozarts "Benedictus sit Deus" the figured bass sometimes has figures, 
> where 
> one of the numbers uses extenders over the whole measure, while the second 
> one is repeated. An scan of a hand-engraved score is attached. 
> How can I do this properly with lilypond? I tried using \markup{\number 3} 
> instead of 3, but lilypond still detects the markup as equal and uses 
> extenders...
> Thanks,
> Reinhold


It came to me on my vacation that you just need to split add some 16th note
figures.  I've done it for the first figure pair, but not the rest.


%  \new Voice {
    \relative c' {
      a'8 a g! f
%  }
  \new FiguredBass {
    \figuremode {
      \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t

      <5 3>16 <5>16 <5 3> <5 3> <5 3>

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