Hello,I'm new to lilypond and would like to create notation for an ensemble of hand drums. Currently, I'm having trouble with two specific layout issues and I wasn't able to find exactly what I needed in searching the archives. The first is how to position a rest relative to a single line so that the rest symbol is centered on the single line. Is there a way to define the default rest position relative to the line? The second is how to adjust the horizontal spacing of each bar so that they are aligned between each staff. I've had a lot of trouble with this issue and tried tweaking a number of parameters including proportionalNotationDuration and the SpacingSpanner, which hasn't produced the desired results.
I've included the syntax and the output it produces. Thanks, -Brian #(define mydrums '( (bassdrum default #f -1) (acousticbassdrum default #f 1) (hihat cross #f -1) (closedhihat cross #f 1) (snare harmonic #f -1) (acousticsnare harmonic #f 1) ) ) drumOne = \drummode { \override Beam #'positions = #'(3 . 3)sn4._\markup{!} sn8[r8 sna8]^\markup {signal} r8[r8 sn8] r8[r8 sna8] sn4. hh8[r8 hhc8] hh4. r4. \bar "|:" bd4. hh8[r8 hhc8] bd8[r8 sna8] sn4. bd4. hh4. bd8[r8 sna8] sn4. \bar ":|"
} drumTwo = \drummode { \override Beam #'positions = #'(3 . 3)s1. s1. \bar "|:" hh4._\markup{*palm slap} sn8[r8 sn8] r2. sn4. _ \markup{!} sn4. _\markup{!} hh8[r8 hhc8] r4. \bar ":|"
} \new DrumStaff << \override DrumStaff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 \override DrumStaff.BarLine #'bar-size = #4 \time 12/8 \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \set Staff.instrumentName = "Drum 1" \drumOne }
>> \new DrumStaff << \override DrumStaff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 \override DrumStaff.BarLine #'bar-size = #4 \time 12/8 \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \set Staff.instrumentName = "Drum 2" \drumTwo }
<<inline: two_drum_example.tiff>>
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