Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold <at>> writes:

> Am Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2008 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:
> > By way of standard practice, is it better to define
> > figuredBassStackingDirUpOff as an \override (which makes it absolute, but
> > keeps adding to the props list), or as a \revert, which undoes an override
> > and thus prevents the props list from continuing to grow, but may not have
> > the desired effet (i.e. if \revert is used, two *Ons followed by one *Off
> > will result in an *On remaining).
> Really? I always thought that \revert would simply set the prop back to its 
> default value (as opposed to undoing just the last override). Actually, I had 
> wished several times that \override and \revert would simply work on a stack 
> of settings, so that one can easily restore the previous setting. However, it 
> doesn't work that way.

You are correct, of course.  I worked through this more than a year ago on Fret
Diagrams, and I remembered my conclusion wrong.

Thanks for the catch.


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