Great! Lack of English is *no* problem whatsoever. The time-consuming task is to create good examples (potentially learning new material in order to do so). If you can write lilypond files and sufficient BSE such that I can understand you, that's fine.
I edit the English of all submission in NR 1+2, regardless of the actual skill of the writer. Not because I think I'm a better English writer than anybody else, but just because a second person looking at material can always improve it. (other people also fix mistakes in stuff I write) The docs are in texinfo. Please see the GDP site: for info about how to get started. I've put you down for Percussion. Please skip over NR References for... at the moment; we still need to finalize the format of these subsections. Work on the other material first, and then come back to later. Cheers, - Graham On Sun, 11 May 2008 08:49:56 +0200 "Stefan Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Graham, > if someone is needed: > I could write about the notation of percussion or vocal music. > But I have one problem: > I can only write in BSE (bad simple english). > I could write it in geman, and someone else, meybee, could > translateit. Or I can try writing in english (maybee a good exercise > for me), but I need persons helping me with making corrections. > And one last question: > In which format do I have to write? > I can do it with LaTex, but I'm not experienced with HTML-files. > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list