In the attached extract, I want a 'followVoice' line connecting beats 3
and 4, and no others. Depending on where I place "\set followVoice =
##t" I get either additional unwanted lines between other beats (bars 2
and 3), or no line at all (bar 4). What's going on? Is this intended
\version "2.11.45"
\include ""
UpperStaff = \relative c' {
\time 2/2
\clef treble
LowerStaff = \relative c {
\time 2/2 \clef bass
r1 |
\change Staff = up r4 \set followVoice = ##t \stemDown cs' c'! \change Staff = down \stemNeutral d,,, \set followVoice = ##f |
\change Staff = up r \stemDown cs'' \set followVoice = ##t c'! \change Staff = down \stemNeutral d,,, \set followVoice = ##f |
\change Staff = up r \stemDown cs'' c'! \set followVoice = ##t \change Staff = down \stemNeutral d,,, \set followVoice = ##f |
\new PianoStaff {
\new Staff = "up" { \UpperStaff }
\new Staff = "down" { \LowerStaff }
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