I think that we could enhance the section "A.7 lilypond-book templates", like expanding the example with how to use a 'makefile' and how to input chapters and figures. A minimal example like the one I just posted to the list.

Graham Percival escreveu:
As you probably know, we're nearing the end of the Grand
Documentation Project of LilyPond.  It ends in Aug, so there's
only three and a half months left.

For more general background about GDP, see:

Unfortunately, after eight and a half months, we only have 2
sections of the NR finished.  4 sections are nearing completion,
and 2 more are being worked on.  At the current rate of progress,
we probably won't even finish NR 1.

We could really use more people getting involved.  The following
sections are open:

* Rhythms
* Vocal
Unfretted strings
Fretted strings

The first two starred sections are much longer than the others; I
would like to reserve those sections for people who have already
finished a smaller section.  That said, some of the later sections
are very small -- say, 5 hours of doc work -- so they could be
finished quite quickly and then you could move on to one of the
two longer sections.

If you don't want to take on an entire section but are still
willing to help, let me know.  I guarantee that I can find
something useful for you to do.

If you're concerned about your lack of lilypond knowledge, don't
be.  Every single doc helper has been forced to learn material
while working on the docs.  The question is not "am I better than
anybody else to work on Percussion?", the question is "am I better
than *nobody*?".  If you have a personal interest in percussion,
and are willing to spend some time learning how to do it and then
documenting how you did it, then you're the best person.

It all comes down to your time and knowledge.  If you have little
technical or lilypond knowledge, it will take more time.  If you
have lots of technical and lilypond knowledge, it will take less
time.  (although in that case I'll ask you to do more tasks, since
we have far too many tasks to deal with)

Finally, remember that documentation is much more useful than
answering questions on this list.  Nobody wants to say it, but
since I'm leaving anyway I'll play the bad guy.  Answering
questions on -user helps one person.  Working on the docs,
although it takes more time, helps everybody in the future who
reads the docs.

Nobody reads the mailist archives[1].  It's the classic short-term
vs. long-term dilemma, and I come down heavily on the idea of
long-term help.

[1]  At least, nobody who *should* read them; some developers read
them often.

- Graham, Documentation Editor.

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