Perhaps some of you have MIDI expertise enough to answer the following
Currently, LilyPond uses a separate track (and channel) for each Lyric
context to output
the corresponding lyric syllables, so that players like timidity (and
certainly several other
"Karaoke" like players) can print the lyrics on the screen while playing
the music.
Using one track for each Lyric context seems like a waste, especially in
examples like the
"All ye People Clap your Hands" posted earlier today on lilypond-user,
where the same
lyrics is repeated below each stave for readibility reasons. However,
even otherwise I
don't really see the point of separating the different lyric lines into
separate tracks/channels.
Is there any possibility to lump all the lyrics into a single
track/channel, perhaps even in the
control track (track 0) so that the remaining 14 channels can be used
for the actual music
(one channel per Staff context, by default)? Because of the lack of
standardization of MIDI,
I guess you would have to try a number of different sequencers and MIDI
players to
make sure that this works as expected, or perhaps some of you have
experience enough to
answer the question anyway?
As far as I can see, there are no channel number indications in the
lyric messages in the
generated MIDI files, which according to my reading of
indicates that they actually should be placed in track 0.
For songs with several verses, I guess the lyric printouts won't make
any sense, no matter how
we place the information in the MIDI files.
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
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