I found in version 2.10.33 from debian linux that the pngs and
preview.pngs produced by lilypond commands were useless. The
measure rests varied to looking like half rests on one line and breves
on another.

These commands/scripts produced a correct and sharper appearance with
smaller file size. If the bug(s) were in lilypond the scripts
wouldn't do any good, would they?

for preview:

lilypond -f ps -p "$1.ly"
pstoimg -type png -depth 1 -density 100 -white -crop tblr $1.eps
convert -trim $1.png $1.png
for full page, trimmed:

lilypond -f ps "$1.ly"
pstoimg -type png -depth 1 -density 100 -white -crop tblr $1.ps
convert -trim $1.png $1.png

I doubt their portability, but they work for me for now.  daveA

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (put "poisonal" anywhere in subject)
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http://www.openguitar.com/dynamic.html. Original easy solos at:
http://www.openguitar.com. :::=={_o) David Raleigh Arnold

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