This looks very strange. I just tried midi2ly on Windows XP using version 2.11.44 the other
day, and couldn't see any such problems.
I seems to recall some problems when running LilyPond in a working directory that's on another disk than the LilyPond installation. Could you please try if it works when you
are on C: instead of D:.

Do you have any other installation of Python on your computer (it shouldn't matter, normally,
but you never know)?

However, you may also want to read my general comments on midi2ly at
before spending too much effort on the issue. On the other hand, if you
want to exercise your programming skills, trying to make midi2ly more
useful and robust could be an excellent exercise.


Rafa del Campo wrote:

I have a problem when I type midi2ly albeniz.mid:

D:\>midi2ly albeniz.mid
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Archivos de programa\LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 51, in <module>
    import midi
ImportError: No module named midi

But I have in the same directory midi.dll.

Where can I find especific documentation about midi2ly???


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        Signal Processing
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