You can use a \markup \score construction. Here it is placed in the subsubtitle:
You could also place it in a separate \markup section between the headers and the real \score. Andrew On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 7:16 AM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I thought I would ask the list's collective knowledge before I begin this, > has anyone here any experience with having an introit for a choral piece, > say for a mass that begins wtih a quotation of a chant. I can think of > several ways to put a single measure, slightly smaller, without time > signature or bar lines, and centered before the music begins, and I just > wondered how others have gone about this process, that results in something > that looks good, both printed, and keeps my lilypond files san(ish) looking. > > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list