Hello all -

I was just wondering if anyone knows what's up with this. 

First off, I'm running 2.10.33 on Windows XP.

What I have is a file that goes something like this:

\version "2.10.33"

\header {
  title = "Title"

  composer = "Me"

music = \relative c'' { a bunch of music here }

my chords = \chords { a bunch of chords }

emusic = \transpose f g \music
echords = \transpose f g \mychords

\score {

\new Staff
 [the two lesser-than symbols here, it isn't letting me post them]
      \new Voice = "zemusic" { \emusic }

       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "zemusic" { a bunch of lyrics }
[the two greater-than symbols here, again, won't let me post them]

The problem is that when I run the file, the chords end up being printed below
the music, instead of above it (between the staff and the lyrics). I'm not sure
why -- but is there a way I can get them printed above (as is traditional)?

Thanks a lot for your time and help,

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