Finale and Sibelius have OCR plugins or addons, and I've used one of them 
as a demo (I'm 99.9% sure it was Sibelius) and it was atrocious. It would 
take longer to fix all its mistakes than it would to just enter your music 
from scratch, I think. Maybe the version you buy is better than the demo 
but I doubt it. I can't imagine anyone buying it after using the demo!
Myriad (the makers of Harmony Assistant) have a program called 
PDF-to-Music that does pretty well, but then you're stuck with the file in 
their closed-source format.
I'd be interested to know of a non-proprietary music OCR program as well. 
Good luck.

Tim Reeves

> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:50:40 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: OCR to lilypond
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I've used just about every notaion program that exists, but I still like 
> just write out my sheets on staff paper with a pencil prior to entering 
> data into a formal notaion software like lilypond or whatever.
> It would be wonderful if I could generate lilypond source code from a
> hand-written staff initially, then go back and tweak it in code.  After 
> all the information is there on the page, it just needs to be 
> Is anyone aware of any commercial program, dll, or open source projects 
> are working on music OCR that would have the potential to (one day) be 
> to generate lilypond source code?  Preferably open source.
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