Hi Matthew,

If the file isn't in the local directory, or lily search path,
you have to specify additional path with -I [capital i], such as:

        lilypond -I<your def path[s]> <your lilyfile>

I have made a simple script to myself which does this for me:

        lilypond -I/usr/alto/projects/music/scores/lilylib $1
and called it 'lily' to simplify 'my life' :-)


;; --

Le Sat, 12 Apr 2008 13:26:33 +0000 (UTC),
Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Hi all
> I'm setting up a bunch of different settings for my scores. I've put them 
> into a
> separate definition file so that I can just \include it.
> I have several different definition files feeding into a master definition 
> file,
> and I include the master file in my score. My definition files are stored in
> /def/, and my scores are kept in /scores/
> My files would look like this:
> master_def.ly
> \version "2.11.43"
> \include "note_def.ly"
> %some other stuff
> .
> score.ly
> \version "2.11.43"
> \include "../def/master_def.ly"
> %music stuff
> .
> When I compile my score, I get the error:
> ../def/master_def.ly:4:9: error: cannot find file: `note_def.ly'
> Lilypond is correctly opening master_def.ly, but is then trying to open
> note_def.ly in the current path, rather than ../def
> Is there a way to have /include keep relative path information?
> Cheers
> Matthew
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