
I'm not sure why Bertalan is steering you away from Lilypond, though it 
may do much more than you need at this time.
As James said, if you add a   \midi {}   in your .ly file, Lilypond will 
generate a midi file that you can play back in Windows Media Player or 
whatever program you choose for midi playback.
That way you can hear the pieces you've already entered into Lilypond, and 
if later you get to where you want more advanced music notation 
capabilities, Lilypond will be there for you. 

And people on this list will help you use it, as they have done for me. 
As you use it more, if you're like me, you'll find that you can enter 
music more quickly by typing than you could with a mouse.
Finale Notepad is quite limited in its abilities.

Tim Reeves
lilypond-user mailing list

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