How's this for an ugly hack? I use octavation brackets without the text and reset middle C so that the note doesn't change pitch.
I just need the left edge to work and it's exactly what I need. \version "2.11.43" %% Unison brackets su = { #(set-octavation 1) \set Staff.middleCPosition = #0 \set Staff.ottavation = #"" \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'edge-height = #'(1.2 . 1.2) \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'bracket-flare = #'(0 . 0) \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'dash-fraction = #1.0 \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'shorten-pair = #'(-0.4 . -0.4) \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'staff-padding = #3.0 \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'minimum-length = #1.0 } eu = { #(set-octavation 0) } setup = { \clef percussion \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 \override BarLine #'bar-size = #5 \time 2/4 } { \setup \relative c'{ c8 c \su c \eu c c c c c } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list