Jay Hamilton <JayHam <at> linuxquestions.net> writes:
> have you tried analysis brackets?
> from 1.7?
> It might work but it looks like you want to do this a lot and if so it's a lot
of copy and paste.
> Yours-
> Jay

I had a look at the documentation for 1.8; it seems to be pretty much the same
as the doc for 2.11.

If it is the same, then it won't work:

\version "2.11.43"%%
\layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"}}
\relative c'' 

That code produces: 
warning: do not have that many brackets
warning: conflicting note group events.

I can't start and stop an analysis bracket on the same note.


copy and paste I don't really care about; I'll be making up little macros to do
all of those commands for me.


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