Thanks for your answers,
About the voice beginning with a grace note, I have perhaps found a
workout that seems to work at least in this simple case. When a voice
begins with a grace note, use \beforeGrace in all voices as follows:
\version "2.11.42"
% if cadenza really never count for bar count this should
% just insert a small space?
beforeGrace = { \cadenzaOn s8 \cadenzaOff }
\new Staff
\new Voice { \voiceOne
\new Voice { \voiceTwo
\acciaccatura {\once \override Stem #'direction = #up c'8} d'8[
\acciaccatura {\once \override Stem #'direction = #up c'8}
\once \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'outside d'8-. ]
\layout {
ragged-last = ##t
Valentin Villenave a écrit :
> ...
- I can't reproduce the bug here with 2.11.43 (?)
I have just downloaded and tried, but I get the same (stems up though
being voiceTwo). Just comment out the beforeGraces in the code above.
- however it seems related to
Likely, yes.
- Just out of curiosity, you seem to be French but I can't remember
having seen you on the French LilyPond mailing list; perhaps you would
be interested in subscribing to it at
(of course, this doesn't prevent you from posting here as well ;)
I have subscribed there yes, although not posted. Actually the English
documentation is so much better... I have considered contributing to the
translation effort, though I really lack time.
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