Trevor Daniels wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">LilyPond-ers

Grand Documentation Project

Graham and his helpers have now completed a large part of the GDP revision of the first chapter of the Notation Reference (NR), most of the Learning Manual (LM) is finished, and the Music Glossary (MG) has been greatly extended. Pulling snippets from LSR into the NR is now working smoothly and seamlessly. You can see the latest versions at or in the 2.11.43 documentation.

The next step is to revise the second chapter in the Notation Reference - NR 2 "Specialist notation". To kick off this process the new suggested section headings can be found at , and we now need your comments on these before we begin work on the text. Are the names sensible? Is the grouping optimal? Are there other topics which should be included?

Where a change to the headings is suggested the old heading follows in brackets on the same line, and an indication of the proposed content is shown under each heading, also in brackets, as section numbers in the existing NR for 2.11.

Please look at these proposed headings and comment to the list. I'll revise the draft as views crystallise. There's no rigid time-scale for this. We'll wait until views stabilise, but this should take no more than one to two weeks.

Trevor D

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Do we need a 2.4.4 under Fretted stringed instruments for Mandolin, or a 2.4.5 for the viols?


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