Hi all

(Hopefully) a quick question about break autobeams and stem direction.

When I compile the following music, each embellishment that contains more than
one acciaccatura breaks both the autobeaming and the stem direction that I have
written in.

Bars 1-2 contain the music with embellishments
Bars 3-4 contain the same music without embellishments

If I leave bars 1-2 in, then 3-4 also break. If I comment out bars 1-2, then
bars 3-4 are correct.

What wierdness have I done in my file?

\version "2.10.33"                             
%Gratuitously borrowed from Hugo Flordal
myautobeams = {
        #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4)  5 8)
        #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 4 'Voice) 
        #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 2 'Voice)
        #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 3 4 'Voice) 
        \set subdivideBeams = ##t               
        \set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) % Subdivide beams on eighths
mynoteproperties = {    
        \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
        \override Slur #'direction = #UP
        \override Tie #'direction = #UP
        \override StemTremolo #'slope = #0.45           
        \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1 
        \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-size = 5  
        \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
%       \override Beam #'positions = #'(-5 . -5) %breaks acciaccas
        \override Beam #'damping = #100000000 %doesn't work

%my shorthand for embellishments
        flR =  { \tiny { \acciaccatura  d8 } \normalsize } % right flam    
        drR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d16[ d] } \normalsize } % right drag
        rfR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d32[ b b] } \normalsize } %right ruff
staffSnare = \new Staff {
        \time 4/4
        \clef percussion
        \relative c' {  

                \drR b8 \drR b %first drR points down. It should be up.
                     % second drR breaks the autobeam and the main note is up! 
                \rfR d8 \rfR d16 d %second rfR breaks the auto beaming
                \flR b8:32->( \times 2/3 {b16) d \flR b->} %upside down! stems 
                d8 b32 d b d
                \drR b8 \rfR b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b} %rfR breaks autobeam
                                             %everything after the rfR in this
line is
                                        %  stem=up -> against the rules
                d16 b d b
                d16 \drR b32 b d b d b % drR -> see rfL above!
                d16. b32 d32 b d b
                | \bar "||"
%If I comment out the previous music, then the following turns out correct.
% This music is a copy of the above without the acciaccaturas
                b8 b
                d8 d16 d 
                b8:32->( \times 2/3 {b16) d b->}
                d8 b32 d b d
                b8 b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b}
                d16 b d b
                d16 b32 b d b d b 
                d16. b32 d32 b d b

                \bar "|."


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