If you find the \repeat unfold syntax too long to type in, you can easily
defined a macro with a shorter name:
rr = #(define-music-function (parser location num music)(number? ly:music?)
#{ \repeat unfold $num $music #})
The only complication is that you have to add a #-mark before the
number that indicates the number of times the pattern should be repeated.
\relative c'{
\rr #5 <c e g>4 \rr #2 c8 \rr #6 r4
\rr #2 {c e d g, }
When it comes to extending the syntax, you have to be careful and think
all possible side effects before doing such a change.
Joseph Wakeling wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
You mean like
I interpret the suggestion to mean that he wants the _notes_ to appear
(unlike the link you posted, which uses 'slash' notation to indicate
repetition), but wants some handy shortcut not to have to type them out
repeatedly in the Lilypond source.
So e.g. to follow his example and suggested notation,
<c e g b c'>16 <> <> <>
<d f a c c'>16 <>8 <>16
would produce the same output as,
<c e g b c'>16 <c e g b c'> <c e g b c'> <c e g b c'>
<d f a c c'>16 <d f a c c'>8 <d f a c c'>16
This is certainly a possibility I would like to see in Lilypond. In
fact I see no reason for it to be limited to chords: some notation for
'same note(s) again' would be very desirable.
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
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