This is very natural. There is a minimum distance specified by default, but if you have notes that stick out far outside the staff, or if you have articulations or text scripts or whatever else that belongs to the staff and would end up getting too close to the chord names, then they are moved further away from the staff
to avoid collisions.

If you want exactly the same spacing for all lines, you have to increase the
minimum distance, so that it's large enough to work for all the staves.
Read the section "Vertical spacing inside a system" in the manual for
more information. Note that the setting of minimum-Y-extent of both the
Staff and ChordNames contexts will influence the result.


Dominic Neumann wrote:

I´ve determined a strange problem. In some of my scores the distance
between note line and chord names differs from line to line. I´ve got
a song with >3 lines. In line 2 the chord names are around 1mm farther
away from the line.

I will try to build a minimal example, because the songs I usually
publish are not allowed to be sent here.

Is this a known problem? I don´t know where I should start searching ...


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
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        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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