Hello Haipeng,

for really special trills (like with varying frequency), you'll have
to write a postscript routine to draw it.  I'm not sure if that is
difficult for a blind person.

Do the lines span several notes, or are they always for one note?

2008/3/8, hhpmusic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>   I'm Hu Haipeng, a Chinese blind musician. I use Lilypond as my composing
> software, but in Chinese music, there are a lot of unusual ornaments which
> must be indicated by drawing a specific line (applying to western music
> instruments like violin or cello). These lines must show when a single note
> is played straightly and when to begin trill or glissando, and thrills and
> glissandi have many types such as inverted trill, trill with gradually
> growing frequency, and glissando letting player play a zigzag gliss. I tried
> to search some Scheme tutorials, but they are very short, and the syntax is
> not the same as Lily's Scheme code. For example, the Scheme tutorial has no
> #(define ...) or (leta ...). I don't know whether Scheme can help me to draw
> lines or other figures. Could you help me? Where is  complete Scheme manual?
> Haipeng
> ________________________________
>  中 国 最 强 网 游 --- 网 易 梦 幻 西 游 ,166 万 玩 家 同 时 在 线

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